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I can't jump while on an ant. Is this supposed to happen?

Not anymore, I fixed it 5 days ago.

It's happen every time on every ants ?

Ok I see it's only when the fixed ant doesn't touch the ground, I will fix it soon.

Thanks for the report.

Thank you :)

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the first and third levels can be done with 0 ants on the counter lol

Yes I know '^^
I wonder if I let it like this and add more hard level after or if I expand the space between platform in these levels to force player to use more than one ant

i forgot to update this comment. you can also do the second with split second timing. i have a youtube video of me playing through the entire game without pressing shift.

Haha really well played !
I think I will let it like this because it's not so easy and it's fun ;)

Thank you :) it took me a while to find out that the second was possible, and i'm glad that this will stick around. But either way, i'm happy to do a little glitch hunting on my free time.

omg I just finished and the game is hilarious lol my 1 problem is that there should be a way to delete the ants because sometimes I put some down that get in the way or at least like a rewind so u can go back to the last ant u placed but otherwise I love it and it's an amazing game and I will love to see more levels lmao

there is already a key for reset the level but yes maybe a "undo" key would be cool thanks for this idea.
thank you for your interest, I would like to add some new level but I'm thinking of new mechanics with maybe some new types of ants ;)

oh i guess i never saw that key well anyways ur welcome and ya i would love to see more done with this game

This is a great game, but you can just scale up walls by holding the arrow key, and i found it brety funny that you can just use two ants to cross the ditch

Yes I see the wall thing but every ant can walk on walls easily so I decided to keep it ;)

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you only need one ant (including the one you move)  for the first, second, and third. requires a little luck tho

managed to get all the way to the last checkpoint of the last level without using up any ants. i can't seem to abuse the slope enough to get to the end but i bet its possible to do it if you are frame and pixel perfect.

I don't know, I thought it wasn't possible on the first and second level either and yet some did it ^^

all three levels can be done without any ants on counter. see my comment it has youtube video

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11:37 - 14:17 I Ant You

This was one of the most enjoyable games I've played during this game jam, absolutely loved this game, the music and the concept. I feel like it epitomizes the essence of game jams in being experimental! 


Thank you so much for your nice comment! And thanks for your video, it's always interesting and fun to see someone playing my games ! =)


I loved the game. It was alot of fun to play.
I love to jump over the obstacles with flipping ants. The second level was too hard for me, so i gave up, unsure where am i supposed to go. Then i tried to abuse the game with huge and spawn at start, sadly failed 

The game and music make the gameplay so much fun, And I actually laughed when i started playing. Thank you for this XD

Game is funny enough, but when you get more 100 ants at same time, everything starts to lag, it can be solved for better performance, but you don't worry about it yet :)

Thank you for this game,

Yes, I added a sign to try to indicate the direction but it's easy to miss it, it blends a bit with the background :/

Haha I have not been up to this number of ants but yes it is possible, the code is not optimized at all ^^

Thank you for your feedback ! :)